The color palette names are written in British English with 'grey'. Usually American English is the standard and the colors should be renamed 'gray'. This is an upstream request from
"In this class we learn English, not American" as my old English teacher used to say. The choice of names for colours are most probably my fault simply because that is how I spell them. "Grey", "Colour", "Aluminium". But its potato/potato as far as I am concerned
I like your English teacher already. But snobbery will get us nowhere, KDE uses en_US in strings as do other projects like Libreoffice who want to use this stuff.
Not my idea, but LibreOffice translates color names and KDE could do that too with Breeze_EN-GB.col.
Where does Breeze use the term grey/gray?
Just the HIG at this point. I'm changing it.
Git commit 4b5ee2545247cb262762450b06811857137de900 by Nate Graham. Committed on 06/12/2019 at 19:48. Pushed by ngraham into branch 'master'. Replace Grey with Gray ...Since we use American English everywhere. M +- -- HIG/source/img/Breeze_Color_Palette.png M +21 -21 HIG/source/style/color/dark.rst M +12 -12 HIG/source/style/color/default.rst M +13 -13 HIG/source/style/color/high.rst M +9 -9 HIG/source/style/color/light.rst