1st try of 3.2.1. Fine until used a more textured brush [Rad updated 2017 bundle], then froze. Opened 3.2 to load the psd and continue, but same freeze. Install been corrupted. Needs reinstall.
Can you share the psd file with us?
Sorry, not sure I can. Just tried, and the file is 88.3 mb. Sorry about that.
Just a silly little brush test doodle, but if there's somewhere else I can upload it, will gladly do that. Too large to upload here.
Dropbox or google drive or something like that should work.
I use Mega; if you can tell me how to send the psd, will do that now.
And to where. Thanks.
To add, cleaned system (config/local), opened 3.2 app image, copied over brushes/bundles/presets/tags folders had copied hoping to keep intact. Same crash, and realised it's to do with autosave possibly, plus mouse still works but Ugee pen won't. Going to attempt copying older backup over, but am surprised the same crash has carried over from 3.2.1 into 3.2, and concerned there's settings elsewhere affecting Krita generally and that have become too corrupted.
Before copying old backup over, tried Gimp. Seized up there too; mouse working, Ugee pen not. Looks like corruption has broken the graphics driver. Unsure how to fix that except format/reinstall, but can ask on Mint forums.
boud@valdyas.org should work fine.
It is still something broken _on your system_ -- it's not that Krita is too broken to work in general... But if you want to, I can close the bug, of course.