Currently DrKonqi icon is displaying in tray only after Plasma crashed and restarted - but not after force rebooting of the whole system.
Are you sure DrKonqi was able to "catch" the crash before the system rebooted? Usually, on a fatal error, the connection to the window manager is killed, and no graphical applications can continue to run.
Not sure, will try to investigate if there will be case. On what to pay attention?
That is really out of scope for drkonqi IMO. For persistent crash tracking I think one should look at system-level solutions such as coredumpd, apport or abrt. Drkonqi is, at its heart, a tool to report a crash with. Not a tool to manage crash reports and record them on disk in some directory that is safe enough, yet accessible enough, and do so in a time frame so as to not inhibit logout/shutdown whatever. And the only value we'd have from this is a **chance** at getting crash reports happening at logout or during otherwise fatal incidents (X11 deadlock or whatever). Poor return on investment if you ask me. Maybe, and that's a big maybe, drkonqi could be glued on top of an aforementioned solution, but even that seems also largely moot. Both apport and abrt already have GUIs and coredumpd is currently not really designed around having a GUI stacked on top.
A patch for drkonqi to store the backtraces on reboot is in the works.
Effectively solved by coredumpctl + drkonqi integration of it.