On accident I assigned a tag to a NEF-file. The result was digiKam crashing. After restarting, the 'first install' dialog appeared. Apparently the config file was corrupted/removed/overwritten. I was unable to find a file containing my old settings. Also no log of the crash, only a 42MB dump file. The digikam4.db, recognition.db and thumbnails-digikam.db appear to be in good shape, although I save tags to files anyways. Chosen severity major because damage is more than crash. This bug has not been reproduced. Please request, but first try yourself.
I see the tags were saved to the NEF, despite the crash. I removed half of the tags from the NEF's and again: crash. This time only the gui specific preferences were lost. In a third try, when the last tag data was removed from the NEF: no crash.
Can you reproduce the dysfunction using digiKam 6.0.0 pre-release bundle available here : https://files.kde.org/digikam/
I am not sure. With 5.9.0 I've been able to tag NEF's for months now without problems...until...yesterday. After tagging a crash occurred and after restarting a certain part of my tag tree had moved to some other part of the three. Today, I see the whole database is empty and 300GB is being rescanned now.
Can you reproduce the dysfunction using the last digiKam 6.0.0-beta3 just released ? https://www.digikam.org/news/2018-12-30-6.0.0-beta3_release_announcement/
Is there a supposed fix?
Sebas, The 6.1.0 pre-release installer have been updated this morning. Please test and report to see if you can reproduce the dysfunction: https://files.kde.org/digikam/ We restore the Raw metadata write option and we update Exiv2 shared library used to process metadata in files. Gilles Caulier
Hi, Can you check if this problem still exist with last weekly bundle build of digiKam 7.0.0 available here: https://files.kde.org/digikam/ Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published: https://www.digikam.org/news/2020-07-19-7.0.0_release_announcement/ We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
Hello, sorry for the time away. I will assign some time to play around with this. Update soon.
Played around a bit: adding, editing, removing. No issue happened. We could assume this issue is resolved, until it happens again. For me however, I am not planning to use tags on NEF-files.
Thanks for the feedback