Hi, I am not sure if it is a bug or intentional (maybe due to performance reasons). CURRENT: If I enable the image Preview on an WebDAV folder (e.g. webdavs://oc-aaa-bbb.de/remote.php/dav/files/user1/photo-test/) there is no image preview (nor a message that says that image previews are not working) WISH: Image Preview should work on WebDAV folders.
Previews of remote files are disabled by default, you can enable them in Settings -> General -> Previews. Maybe nowadays this could be reconsidered though. Or maybe the Preview action should have a tooltip explaining why the previews are not working on remote folders.
Ok, found it. Thanks) Maybe as a simple action, the default skip value could be increased from 0 to 1 MB. Why is the preview of remote files disabled by default? To save the user's bandwidth? I wonder because currently, the Preview of all files is disabled by default. So, the user has to deliberately enable the Preview by clicking the toolbar button. On a remote folder the user would quickly realize that Preview is slow for large files when previews are generated slowly. In general, I would find it helpful if it was clearly visible - e.g. at least in the status bar) if a folder is not a local one but a remote one. Somewhere near this hint could be a hint that previews are slow (or not working) and a link to the setting of enabling/disabling previews for remote locations.