On porting KUrl::path() references directly to QUrl::path() the related locations returns invalid file pathes on Windows as shown with following examples: QUrl b = QUrl::fromLocalFile("/test/test.xyz"); qDebug() << b.path() << b.toLocalFile(); b = QUrl::fromLocalFile("c:/test/test.xyz"); qDebug() << b.path() << b.toLocalFile(); b = QUrl::fromLocalFile("c:\\test\\test.xyz"); qDebug() << b.path() << b.toLocalFile(); Running this code on Windows returns "/test/test.xyz" "/test/test.xyz" "/c:/test/test.xyz" "c:/test/test.xyz" "/c:/test/test.xyz" "c:/test/test.xyz" line 2 and 3 column 1 shows that QUrl::path() always prefixes the path with '/' which is incorrect. KUrl from KDE4 does not have this problem because it covers the "local file case" (see https://github.com/KDE/kdelibs/blob/KDE/4.14/kdecore/io/kurl.cpp#L873 for details). Instead QUrl::toLocalFile() should be used, which is also safe to use on non Windows OS.
umbrello source code does not use QUrl::path() anymore.