Hello, I m using Krita 3.1.4 to develop an animation project. I m doing some heavy rotoscope using the program, and I m exporting high quality .png for use. The problem I have is that the program tend to do "regeneration cache" in the background, while I m working on the frames and get my system to 100% RAM use. Is there a way to disable this, so that the program just let me work on the frames and only do regeneration cache when I click play for animation preview if I want? The issue I have with this is that when the program suddenly start to cache in the background, this effort turn into a massive memory leak, causing the program to crash, because the system stopped the program. I have 16Gb of memory Ram. The program consume 100% of the system memory when this happen. This issue also happen sometimes when I issue a undo, otherwise the program just keep itself steady at 6Gb RAM consumption. I m also been able to render the project for preview purposes, so it would be nice if there was a setting to disable background caching, for work. -Chris
Also, forgot to point out that I m doing the project in 4k resolution(3840 x 2160). -Chris
Hm... How big is your animation project? It's quite possible that you're running out of memory which means Krita has to start swapping. You can give Krita memory in the performance page of the settings dialog. Could you make your file available somehow to me so I can check?
Outside of what boud asked, in 4.0 you can turn off the automatic cache in the settings. https://docs.krita.org/General_Settings
Created attachment 106558 [details] Cache limit demostration The actual file is quite big, but I found a way to solve the problem temporary. I just lock the start and end frame, to a short amount of frame in the timeline. For example, usually the program by default start at 0 to 100 frames for fast preview when you play the animation, in the animation dock. If you press play, the program will start a regeneration cache for those 100 frames for consistence FPS value, otherwise the animation preview will be choppy. So I lower the amount of frames preview per area, where I work, so that when the program do background caching, it doesn't cache every frame from all layers, just a chunk. This help me greatly, no more crashes. I did try Memory usage in Krita settings to see if I could stop Krita for using more memory than what it was set to only use. Didn't work, but is understandable, since I m using pictures of around 20mb .png files for the rotoscope, and the cache process was fitting over 100+ frames in memory RAM. It would be great if Krita have a way to disable background caching/ regeneration cache(only have it when you press play), just for this kind of situation, or have a tool tips near the Start and End frame textbox, telling the user a way to control memory usage, by limiting the amount of frames the program pre-loads on memory before previewing the animation. It save some headaches. I mean, the program stopped crashing, and I was able to work the project all night no problem, just the usual re-start, here and there, because the program don't flush cache, when I change the START and END frame, it keep the cache on memory at all times. Just look at your timeline, when you press play or try to move to another frame with arrows, you see the bar below the columns, getting highlighted in grey.
(In reply to wolthera from comment #3) > Outside of what boud asked, in 4.0 you can turn off the automatic cache in > the settings. > https://docs.krita.org/General_Settings Yes! This is what I needed! Can't wait for 4.0! "Recalculate animation cache in background. New in version 4.0" "This allows you to set whether the animation is cached for playback in the background. Then, when animation is cached when pressing play, this caching will take less long. However, turning off this automatic caching can save power by having your computer work less." Thanks for the link! -Chris
Okay, this change isn't backportable, but there are 4.0 development builds available now, so I'm closing this bug.