The "Income & Expenditure" dashboard widget has a few config options. You can select*¹ if you want to include (or exclude): * Transfers * Tracked operations * Suboperations As long as Transfers are excluded and you now open the corresponding report via *¹ the report shows other values for income and expediture. The reason for this is, that the widget does include grouped operations and the report does exclude grouped operations. I propose to add another checkbox to *¹ so the user can decide if the widget should include or exclude grouped operations. *¹: In the gear icon dropdown menu Skrooge version: 2.8.1
Git commit c060a09184daaccffa6c1a8539d9b23efee9a5f3 by Stephane Mankowski. Committed on 01/07/2017 at 15:08. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. Income & Expenditure widget does not match corresponding report M +1 -0 CHANGELOG M +1 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidget.cpp M +5 -3 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidgetqml.cpp
I (In reply to Stephane MANKOWSKI from comment #1) > Git commit c060a09184daaccffa6c1a8539d9b23efee9a5f3 by Stephane Mankowski. Yes, now the report and the widget should be in sync. (Always include grouped operations) But I really hoped to be able to exclude grouped operations from the widget. My use case: By looking at the widget I want to get a rough feeling of the income, expenditure and saving possibilities of my accounts. I'm not interested detailed cash/shares flows. Concrete Example: Buying shares does not change my financial situation*¹. And therefore I don't want to see these operations in a rough overview (the widget). *¹: Of cause it is a huge different if you have 100€ in cash or in shares. But compared to having 100€ or 0€, the above question is not so important.
Ok, I reopen it to take into account your request.
Git commit 05aafa25abf4e55175e7d63023dbee1335da441d by Stephane Mankowski. Committed on 03/07/2017 at 19:56. Pushed by smankowski into branch 'master'. Income & Expenditure widget does not match corresponding report M +10 -10 plugins/skrooge/default/income_vs_expenditure.qml M +19 -2 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidget.cpp M +1 -0 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidget.h M +16 -1 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidgetqml.cpp M +1 -0 plugins/skrooge/skrooge_operation/skgoperationboardwidgetqml.h M +4 -2 skgbankmodeler/skgreportbank.cpp M +7 -1 skgbankmodeler/skgreportbank.h