Created attachment 106228 [details] example of how sublime handles this When multiple files are opened with the same filename but are in different directories, it is rather difficult to tell which one is which. Sublime seems to manage this by appending the filepath up to the first folder that has a different name, e.g. instead of tab1: main.yaml tab2: main.yaml it has tab1: main.yaml - handlers tab2: main.yaml - defaults although it seems to inconsistently display either just the first parent folder that is unique, or two levels of folder (e.g. main.yaml - caddy-ansible/handlers). The documents view helps solve this issue, but this uses up a fair amount of valuable real estate and overkill in comparison to the sublime solution.
Created attachment 106229 [details] Kate with three identically named files
Dear user, this wish list item is now closed, as it wasn't touched in the last year and no contributor stepped up to implement it. The Kate/KTextEditor team is small and we can just try to keep up with fixing bugs. Therefore wishes that show no activity for a years or more will be closed from now on to keep at least a bit overview about 'current' wishs of the users. If you want your feature to be implemented, please step up to provide some patch for it. If you think it is really needed, you can reopen your request, but keep in mind, if no new good arguments are made and no people get attracted to help out to implement it, it will expire in a year again. We have a nice website that provides all the information needed to contribute, please make use of it. Patches can be handed in via Greetings Christoph Cullmann
Still valid.
Possible patch:
Can we resurrect the patch and try again? My 2cents: emacs does similar to sublime , except has main.yml<handlers> instead of main.yml - handlers. no big deal either way. better than what we currently have: main.yaml and main.yaml(2)
A possibly relevant merge request was started @
Git commit 3963c49cefa621f85281494a26e7c10878463fe2 by Christoph Cullmann, on behalf of Waqar Ahmed. Committed on 07/02/2022 at 19:50. Pushed by cullmann into branch 'master'. Differentiate docs with identical filenames M +88 -0 src/document/katedocument.cpp M +1 -0 src/document/katedocument.h