-- Originally posted by (AT sourceforge.net): kapatp -- -- This ticket was imported from http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/feature-requests/84 on 2017-05-31 14:48:58 +0100 -- May be selectively disable some of the khtml modules? Especially the Adblock. Too many adblock icons get appended to the RKWard status bar.-- Labels: RKWard user interface --
Two sub-issues, here: 1\) The Adblock module is rather useless in our context, so it would certainly be nice to get rid of it. Unfortunately, I cannot see a way to do so, ATM. 2\) Adblock icons remaining on the statusbar when html-windows are closed \(and growing in number over time\): This was fixed in KDE 4.5.2: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1169566 .
Obsolete since the switch to KDEWebKit.