Since my upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 16.10 some menu items have no options: Colour, Enhance, Decorate, and Filters have just a blank black vertical bar, where there used to be a series of options. The "Transform" menu item has some options (e.g. rotate and flip) but not others (e.g. resize)
Definitively, this problem is solved since digiKam 5.x. The problem is due to use a plugin architecture for image editor which can be lost with some incompatible environnement variables under Linux. Please try 5.6.0 pre release Linux AppImage bundle. The plugin architecture in Image Editor is fully removed. All tools are included as well in Image editor. Note : to run showfoto with AppImage, just pass the right CLI arguments to the bundle : $ ./digikam-5.6.0-01-x86-64.appimage help -- digiKam AppImage Bundle -- Use 'help' as CLI argument to know all available options digiKam AppImage bundle CLI options: without option : run digiKam. <showfoto> : run Showfoto instead digiKam. <debug> : run digiKam into GDB. <debug> <showfoto> : run Showfoto into GDB. <help> : show this help. Gilles Caulier