The most current appimage / pkg bundle for macOS does not detect file system changes on my Macbook Pro 15 (2013). I have to restart Digikam whenever I (externally) add or remove or rename an image within a Digikam collection. Neither (Fn-)F5 nor DB maintenance > Scan for new images detect any changes.
I cannot reproduce the dysfunction on my Macbook pro 2012 with last Sierra 10.12.5 Did you already seen this dysfunction with older digiKam versions ? In last 5.6.0 PKG, nothing has changed. Same Qt version is used (5.7.1) and we use Qt to handle file changes notifications. The PKG has KF5 update, Exiv2, and QtAV. It will help to see want DK print as debug statements in the console at run time while disk changes. To run it from a console, look the "Freezes and Other Issues" section here : Gilles Caulier
I am still using 10.11, not Sierra. Haven't had a compelling reason to upgrade yet. Do you think that makes a difference?
Well, i don't know. Apple is not very verbose about the fixes done in core MacOS. But certainly something have been fixed... Gilles Caulier
A new fresh 5.8.0 pre-release PKG installer for MacOS was just rebuild for testing and is available here : Please confirm if the problem remains with this version. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
Jens, Can you reproduce the dysfunction with my last 6.0.0-beta1 bundle that i just rebuild today : Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
This seems to work now. I tested a few things (adding files, removing files, adding, renaming, removing directories) and the changes were detected whenever Digikam came into focus again - or even a few seconds after the modification. Thanks!
Can you reproduce the dysfunction using the last digiKam 6.0.0-beta3 just released ?