(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: kmailcvt Version: KDE 2.2.1 Severity: wishlist Installed from: Mandrake RPMs Compiler: Not Specified OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: kernel 2.4.8-26mdk adding to Hrishish's earlier bug/wishlist entry (January) it would be great if kmailcvt did not say "unrecoverable error" when importing an empty folder. kmailcvt does not show the list of folders that it proposes to import. I can select a directory where such folders are contained but the selection window does not actually show the folder nor their size. So only by noting repeated failure on importing certain folders and then using mc to detect that all failed folders had the same size (60k) was I able to guess that such folders were in fact empty. nevertheless this import utility was very useful in helping me move off Windows! Thanks for maintaining it. (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Cleanup contains new Outlook Express filter