Bug 380223 - Volume settings not in sync with Pulseaudio settings
Summary: Volume settings not in sync with Pulseaudio settings
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: Playback (show other bugs)
Version: 2.8.0
Platform: Kubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 2.9
Assignee: Amarok Developers
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Reported: 2017-05-26 11:40 UTC by Arek Guzinski
Modified: 2017-10-03 14:38 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Arek Guzinski 2017-05-26 11:40:58 UTC
Every time i start Amarok, volume is set to 0%

Note: i am using KDE Neon, but selected "Kubuntu Packages" since the package version is 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu9 (no neon)

Also: is Amarok dead? will there ever be a KF5 based Amarok?
Comment 1 Myriam Schweingruber 2017-05-30 08:44:50 UTC
Weird, the volume is correct here on startup, using Kubuntu 17.04. Please check the configuration files, there might be a problem there. I much doubt this is actually an Amarok bug as I can't reproduce this here.
Four you other questions: the bug tracker is not the right place for this, please ask in the forum or on the mailing list. A bug tracker should be used to report one item only.
Comment 2 Arek Guzinski 2017-05-30 22:12:11 UTC
Ok... so i found ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc
In there was that part:


Master Volume=0

Then i changed "Master Volume" to 50, which seems to have fixed the issue.

After playing around for a bit, i found that "Amarok_Volume" is the last volume set via amarok's volume control, while "Master Volume" is what i set via any pulsaudio-aware volume control.

Changing volume via amarok, also changes pa volume for it, but not vica versa (it does actually change the volume, but that is not reflected inside amarok).

So, (only) if i set volume via amarok first and then in pa, those two values differ... and the second one is loaded @startup. (note: this is *not* what i did every time before)

While this explains part of it, i still don't understand why amarok did not correctly save   the "Master Volume" before, nor why it does now. (meaning: i am unable to reproduce the problem now)

In any case you were right in that there must have been something wrong with the config.

But: shouldn't those two volume values always be the same? What is the point of this information beeing saved twice? And most important: is amarok not syncing to changes via pa a bug?
Comment 3 Myriam Schweingruber 2017-06-01 11:17:31 UTC
I don't know where that volume=0 comes from, as it certainly is not part of the default setting. The only possible explanation is that you quit Amarok in a mute state,and that then caused this to be stored in the settings. Should not happen indeed.
Since I can't reproduce this (trying to quite when Amarok is muted), I don't really see how this could be solved.

The volume settings not being in sync is probably some legacy code we used to work around missing Phonon options. Since PA has been fully integrated now this would need some more exploration, I just don't know where to start, as it can be deep in the playback stack of Amarok.

Changing the bug title to reflect the problem.
Comment 4 Arek Guzinski 2017-06-06 08:14:50 UTC
sounds like (as a worst case) a rewrite of the PA stack might be in order :(

As for my situation: changing "Master Volume" to 50 seemed to fix the issue, but after a few days it returned, and now amarok starts muted again :/.

Even though it doesn't sound like a pure config issue anymore, i'd like to try moving all my config files and setting amarok up again. In case that solves the issue, i'll send a diff.

I am currently aware of the following config files:

are there any other files i should move?

Is there any reason i should rebuild the database as well? If so, which files would i have to move and how can i transfer my ratings?
Comment 5 Myriam Schweingruber 2017-06-07 15:16:01 UTC
No, those are the only ones. Actually, it's quite surprising you have two versions of amarok_appletsrc, there should be only one.

There is no Pulseaudio stack in Amarok, just playback code that uses Phonon.
Comment 6 Sandro kensan 2017-09-09 22:44:03 UTC
Confirm the bug in my new installation of mageia 6 KDE plasma (the last LTS). I don't remember if my ~/.kde4/share/config/amarokrc is from my old mageia 5 or is new (autocreated?).
Master volume was setted to zero. I set now to 0.75 now and it works.

I will check in few days if it return to zero like Arek suggests.
Comment 7 Sandro kensan 2017-09-10 08:50:31 UTC
Today at boot I have find Amarok with zero volume and the file rc is:


Master Volume=0
Comment 8 Arek Guzinski 2017-09-27 05:58:43 UTC
After my last comment, it seemed to work fine... then it went to sometimes volume is ok, sometimes it's 0.

About 3 weeks ago i tried switching phonon to gstreamer backend - and that seemed to fix it :)

I had to delete all config files after that though - otherwise amarok would constantly stop playing when after each track.

In other words: it seems to be a problem with the vlc phonon backend.
Comment 9 Myriam Schweingruber 2017-10-03 14:14:16 UTC
I guessed as much, thank you for the feedback.
Comment 10 Sandro kensan 2017-10-03 14:38:46 UTC
Arek: Are you filling any bug to The Phonon backend bug tracking platform? Can you write down the direct link of the bug in this forum?