I've come across the page on compositing here https://kdenlive.org/project/timeline-track-compositing/ that explains many performance issues I have with kdenlive when compositing multiple tracks. The default High Quality compositing is CPU. Even when I do GLSL transition, kdenlive ends up doing CPU compositing. As a result, the frame rate for every transition drops to 5 fps (on Intel 4700MQ/16GB RAM). If I add a CPU based effect, I get 1 fps slide show. The sound doesnt' play smoothly either. It stutters every second. I work with 28M FHD movies (up to 3 cameras at a time) Can you please accept the request to make basic video operations in GLSL entirely to make edition smooth? Thanks
Side note. The rendering (with manual compositing and GLSL overlay, GLSL wipe, GLSL pan/zoom, GLSL white balance transitions/effects only) produces max 20 fps (from render log measuring). I tested it on both VAAPI and NVENC encoders. Both are capable of over 90 fps encoding - ie encoder is not a bottleneck.
This should be solved in the timeline refactoring coming in December 2018. VAAPI and NVENC implemented.
Can you please update to the latest version (20.12.2 at the moment, https://kdenlive.org/en/download/) and report here whether this is still happening?
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