The account wizard is confusing in second step. After pressing Next first time I see the account information as expected. But now I've got an additional button "Add Account" and the Next button is still enabled. My logical next action would be to press Next again. But when I do this I cannot continue to the next step. possible solutions in this step would be to either replace Next button with the "Add Account" button or to disable the Next button. I would prefer the first solution.
In kmail2 5.2.3 and kmail2 5.5.40 alpha 1 I do not have an "Add Account" button. Your version of kmail?
Created attachment 105526 [details] Screenshot I mean this dialog. There is a "Postfach erstellen" button, which is annoying. It would be better to remove this button. And in addition hide button "Finish" for this step. It makes no sense to show this disabled button here. The UI of KDE programs are sometimes overloaded.
You did not provide your version of KMail (kmail -v). Anyway master and stable version have a different dialog, therefore your report is invalid
Version of kmail is 5.2.3.
For sure we don't have it in new version.