Bug 379349 - Icon request: breakpoint mark icon, "toggle breakpoint" action icon, breakpoint list view icon
Summary: Icon request: breakpoint mark icon, "toggle breakpoint" action icon, breakpoi...
Alias: None
Product: Breeze
Classification: Plasma
Component: Icons (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: visual-design
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Reported: 2017-04-29 15:58 UTC by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
Modified: 2024-08-22 17:18 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Screenshot of KDevelop with breakpoint related icons (157.89 KB, image/png)
2017-04-29 15:58 UTC, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

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Description Friedrich W. H. Kossebau 2017-04-29 15:58:00 UTC
Created attachment 105262 [details]
Screenshot of KDevelop with breakpoint related icons

Icons  needed
When debugging a program, one can set so-called breakpoints in the sourcecode to tell the debugger/IDE where to stop/pause the program execution, so the developer can inspect the current state.

The usual UI for that is a column next to the source code view, where there is a mark symbol per source code line which shows if there is a breakpoint in that line
-> icon needed for that breakpoint mark

Then in the related menus there is an action to set/unset (resp. toggle) the breakpoint for a line.
-> icon needed for that toggle-breakpoint menu entry/action

Then there is a separate view which lists all the existing breakpoints in the complete software. That view often has a title and an icon (e.g. as docker window)
-> icon needed for that breakpoint list view window

A breakpoint can have multiple states, e.g.
* enabled/normal
* disabled  -> breakpoint ignored, but mark kept around to enable it quickly again
* conditionally enabled -> stop at breakpoint only if some condition is met
* pending -> enabled, but debugger has not yet tried to resolve the breakpoint
* invalid -> enabled, but debugger cannot resolve the breakpoint
-> additional icon variants would be nice to have

The breakpoint mark icons would be status icons, with names like:
"breakpoint" - generic fallback icon and for existing usage by e.g. kdevelop

The action/menu icon could be

The docker window might want to reuse either status icon or action icon, seems there is no category for object icon types.

Existing approaches
The symbol used for the breakpoint mark in most IDEs/debugging tools is a full red circle/dot, so should be a recognizable icon.
E.g. see https://www.google.de/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&q=breakpoint+icon

KDE's icon tradition for the breakpoint mark is also picking up the shape of the globally well known traffic stop signal, which also works nicely, given it's related meaning (get to complete stop here). Might be nice to continue this tradition.

The menu entry usually uses the same mark icon as well.

Similar the docker view with all the breakpoints.

Current approach in KDE software
In KDE software the lack of such icons in Breeze (& Oxygen) is right now handled like this:

GDB plugin for Kate:
(ab-)uses the theme icon "media-playback-pause" both for the breakpoint mark (10x10 hardcoded) as well as for the "Toggle Breakpoint" menu entry.
See https://kate-editor.org/2010/10/06/introducing-kate-gdb-plugin/ (using Oxygen icons, but UI still similar)

uses its own icon named "breakpoint", both for the mark (16x16 hard-coded) and the toggle-action:
Both rendered from
The different breakpoint states are visualized using QIcon::Mode flags.
The breakpoint list view docker (ab-)uses the theme icon "media-playback-pause".
See attached screenshot.

KDbg (while not developed in KDE community, still potential icon user):
Has it's own icons, see http://www.kdbg.org/kdbgtotal.png
Comment 1 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau 2017-05-02 13:01:31 UTC
KDevelop's current SVG version of the "breakpoint" icon moved to https://cgit.kde.org/kdevplatform.git/plain/pics/scalable/actions/breakpoint.svg
Comment 2 Louis Moureaux 2024-08-22 17:18:13 UTC
See also https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/breeze-icons/-/merge_requests/235#note_1017412

From my limited GDB knowledge I gather that pending breakpoints are unknown source locations "pending on a future library load". Can this case happen in KDevelop?