Recently, I discovered a strange behaviour of the import tool following this scenario: preparation: set file name renaming option to something like: "Prefix-[date:"yyyyMMdd"]-[file].[ext]". Then a file name like "Prefix-20170426-DSC_1234.jpg" should result for every image. 1. insert a memory card with some new photos and some older ones 2. download only new photo files (shortcut: Ctrl-N) 3. the result: only one image file is renamed, the other ones remain unchanged. I have been doing this with older vesrions of digikam for over a year now without problems. I noticed this erroneous behaviour only recently, but it may have been present for some weeks. A workaround is to mark the new photos manually and then do "download selected". I am using digikam 5.5.0 under Manjaro linux.
Git commit 78368e5bb7600ac089e24ae8a71c3a424c98575a by Maik Qualmann. Committed on 29/04/2017 at 05:23. Pushed by mqualmann into branch 'master'. fix download names when a standard album is enabled for download FIXED-IN: 5.6.0 M +2 -1 NEWS M +3 -1 utilities/importui/main/importui.cpp