Strikeout/underline are not available in font dialogs. If we use KDE Plasma Desktop (XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE env. variable) or a desktop with advanced font dialog, strikeout/underline font attributes are available. Otherwise, e.g. when XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE there's no way to set the attributes in Kexi for reports. Forms are also affected and any future use. Scope: Windows not affected. macOS: to be checked. Temporary workaround: try to set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE before running Kexi. Final solution: use the QFontDialog::DontUseNativeDialog flag to QFontDialog::getFont. Implementation note: fix in kexi and kproperty.
Side note: In the future font properties would be displayed in the property pane directly so the font dialog would not be necessary to change font properties.
Git commit f8ed63aa08c6cd5fc33a8fc1b65f9742f02a07f8 by Jaroslaw Staniek. Committed on 15/05/2017 at 14:49. Pushed by staniek into branch '3.0'. Fix: Strikeout/underline font option not available in font dialogs on some desktops Strikeout/underline are not available in font dialogs on non-KDE, non-Windows desktops. Issues found for XFCE which has too simplified dialog. The solution is to force using Qt's own dialog. FIXED-IN:3.0.2 M +12 -1 src/KPropertyUtils.cpp M +17 -2 src/KPropertyUtils_p.h M +6 -3 src/editors/fontedit.cpp