Until recently autosave had no visual indication other than a busy cursor - since recently there is now a small window popping up. This window aggressively steals focus - it pulled me out of a full-screen game by minimizing it. Expected behavior: The autosave window should not interfere with anything outside of Krita To reproduce, have a file open and autosave enabled, then bring another program to focus and wait for autosave to kick in.
Git commit ccabda13e854f2be764b18abd93a47382d1566e3 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 05/06/2017 at 08:23. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. Set batchmode to true when autosaving and show wait cursor This prevents the saving popup from popping up during autosave. M +6 -1 libs/ui/KisDocument.cpp https://commits.kde.org/krita/ccabda13e854f2be764b18abd93a47382d1566e3