In KTorrent 5.0 the HTTP Proxy setting is ignored due to problem in libktorrent's HTTPTracker::doAnnounce() in case of KIO transport. I have privoxy on top of tor, both on, and I don't see any traffic to my proxy in its log. Also displays my real ip. It seems the problem is that you must set up "ProxyUrls" metadata and current implementation fills in only "UseProxy". Looks like KIO ignores proxy setting in this case. Perhaps it's a KIO problem. Didn't dig deeper.
Git commit 4049602f8db96cc1c48fb07ce799139fd62b1d57 by Alexander Trufanov. Committed on 05/04/2017 at 01:03. Pushed by trufanov into branch 'master'. fix HTTP Proxy usage REVIEW:130037 M +6 -0 src/tracker/httptracker.cpp