Bug 377634 - Auto-Completion improvements
Summary: Auto-Completion improvements
Alias: None
Product: kdevelop
Classification: Applications
Component: Language Support: CPP (Clang-based) (show other bugs)
Version: git master
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdevelop-bugs-null
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Reported: 2017-03-15 09:38 UTC by contact
Modified: 2017-03-15 16:58 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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screen (46.55 KB, image/png)
2017-03-15 09:38 UTC, contact

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Description contact 2017-03-15 09:38:40 UTC
Created attachment 104582 [details]

I've been using kdevelop since 4 years for c++ but I'm still missing several features comparing to eclipse for java.

List of wishes (Auto completion is set as "Detailed completion : Always") :
- I don't understand how the proposition are sorted. In screen s1.png, it starts with methods (the last one is ZeroGradParameters) then some members (action_input_layer_name, actions_blob_name) until there it is understandable. But just after I see another method, then 2 members, then a method, then 2 members ? Why ??

- If after my variable "actor", I press "." it starts the auto-completion. I have a namespace called "bib". However, if I write "bib::" I am forced to press "Ctrl+Space" to start auto-completion contrarily to the ".". It would be better if the "::" could have the same behavior as ".".

- If I write "actor.my_new_method();", it just tell me "no member named ... in class ...". It could propose me to create the method in the class, and redirects me to the good file.
Comment 1 contact 2017-03-15 09:51:51 UTC
- If I write "MLP actor_test(actor, true);" the navigation tool doesn't propose me to go to the constructor MLP(const& MLP, bool). 
It either propose me to go :
- the declaration of the variable actor
- the declaration of the class MLP
- the declaration of the variable actor_test
Comment 2 Sven Brauch 2017-03-15 16:58:35 UTC
1) The sorting is alphabetical case-sensitive.

2) True; the places where cpp completion starts automatically could really need some improvement. This is quite simple to do in fact.

3) Also a valid feature request but quite a bit harder to do

4) This should work if you invoke it exactly on the opening parenthesis.

I'd suggest to put 2 and 3 into two separate reports ;)