Bug 377305 - Feature suggestions for "Search in Files" pane
Summary: Feature suggestions for "Search in Files" pane
Alias: None
Product: kate
Classification: Applications
Component: search (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other All
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: KWrite Developers
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Reported: 2017-03-06 19:15 UTC by Victor Porton
Modified: 2019-05-19 15:03 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Victor Porton 2017-03-06 19:15:05 UTC
Two related suggestions:

Suggestion 1:

In "Search in Files" pane add option to show the list of matches in a flat list (not as now as a tree with files as parent nodes and matches as subnodes).

I suggest that the file patch to be shown in parentheses in a small font after the match.

Suggestion 2:

When pressing Up/Down keyboards keys, immediately (without requiring Enter or double click) switch to show the match in the main editor window. This makes navigation easier. Also when pressing Up/Down it should not lead to activation of the editor widget, so that the next Up/Down key would work also.

These two suggestions combined would allow easy navigation in the found matches. This is especially convenient in the case if several files match, but in every file there is no more than one match.
Comment 1 Kåre Särs 2017-03-07 10:09:36 UTC
1) You can select to expand all results by checking the "Expand results" that makes it quite close to a flat list. Having a flat-list with > 1000 matches is not very nice.

2) Am I wrong in assuming you are really need the go-to-next/previous actions that are already available, but do not have default shortcuts?

Comment 2 Christoph Cullmann 2019-05-19 15:03:33 UTC
Dear user, this wish list item is now closed, as it wasn't touched in the last year and no contributor stepped up to implement it.

The Kate/KTextEditor team is small and we can just try to keep up with fixing bugs.

Therefore wishes that show no activity for a years or more will be closed from now on to keep at least a bit overview about 'current' wishs of the users.
If you want your feature to be implemented, please step up to provide some patch for it.

If you think it is really needed, you can reopen your request, but keep in mind,
if no new good arguments are made and no people get attracted to help out to implement it,
it will expire in a year again.

We have a nice website https://kate-editor.org that provides all the information needed to contribute, please make use of it.

Patches can be handed in via https://phabricator.kde.org/differential/

Christoph Cullmann