KDE neon LTS User Edition 5.8 installed from "neon userlts _Xenial_ - Build amd64 LIVE Binary 20170302-16:35" The boot splash screen says "KDE neon 5.8.6", but the KDE Plasma Version is at 5.8.5, and some applications such as System Settings are also 5.8.5.
Updating has since caught the Plasma version up to the one shown in the boot screen. It would be nice if the minor version number boot if displayed on the boot screen was always in sync with the Plasma version installed.
Bug #382094 is a possible duplicate
*** Bug 382094 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Human error seems to have brought this on. And it was since resolved. Technically the versions are always in sync except the new LTS release was pushed live before all components were built, so the Plymouth theme got stuck at an older version. I'll see if we can add a measure to increase consistency in the long run.