Created attachment 104320 [details] Picture of the bad background, especially visible in the part in red OK this one is hard to explain : on Wayland, the Plasma panels (especially visible on the calendar) don't show what's behind them ; isntead, they display... I don't know what. See the attached picture I took, but I don't know if it's very clear ; I put a red square around what's wrong. The background should not be this ; instead, it seems like the ghost of a previous background or something.
I noticed the bug after I played Kpatience fullscreen ; after I quit the game, the calendar background (as in the attachment) still displayed some cards.
what are your blur settings?
I can't tell you right now because the bug occurs on my work computer, and I'm at home now (I'll tell you tomorrow). But, on my home computer on Wayland, the bug does not seem to happen, and the blur settings on this computer are : half-ticked blur option, strong effect strenght, and "Intermediate results" is ticked. And it seems to work this way.
OK, so, my blur settings are exactly the same on my work computer than on my home computer ; yet, the glitch is there. Half-ticked blur option, strong effect strenght, and "Intermediate results" is ticked.
Unticking "Intermediate results" fixes the bug (at least for now).
Created attachment 104343 [details] attachment-23683-0.html Good. That's what I wanted to ask next.
The option does not exist in the new blur effect any more (5.13) and for 5.12 the config option got removed.