Fresh install with Fedora workstation from iso. (am thinking this may be where it's hit the fan? as I copied and pasted from another machine, almost identical in hardware, using the package manager list and giving/transferring it to dnf on the problem install, to cut time down to the minimum). Anyways, nothing shows when refreshing the gui and when run from terminal nothing is indicating anything wrong. Have installed using source and still nothing showing in terms of devices connected. My 'droids don't see the machine or other Fedora installs. Ive reinstalled the program, maybe I need to reinstall my OS? (not much chance in the latter hozay)
Created attachment 104214 [details] gui with no devices
ports are open for the program 2 other Fedora25 machines don't see it and 5 Android devices also have no connection with it even adding the IP address produces nothing
Maybe the kdeconnect config from your old distro doesn't work on the new one. Go to ~/.config and rename kdeconnect to something else. Log out and log in again so the config is recreated and let me know if it solves the problem.
Created attachment 104215 [details] rename after rename and re-login this showing in logs; recurring Feb 20 13:05:02 localhost.localdomain /usr/libexec/gdm-x-session[1362]: Fail set label TypeError: menuitem is null
no change to the program being visible!!
In that case I'm not sure what the error can be. Try running the kdeconnectd binary on a terminal and see what the output looks like. The location of the binary changes depending on the distribution (eg: on Arch it's in /usr/lib/libexec/kdeconnectd). Also make sure to "killall kdeconnectd" before running it, as if it detects another instance is running it just terminates without doing anything.
Created attachment 104218 [details] log from login Is the polkit the problem
I have looked at the logs upon login using 2 machines and the/this bad 1 is showing the auto start service with the url omitting my home directory which DOES SHOW on the good machine i.e. "/etc/xdg/autostart instead of ~/.config/autostart/* and polkit Registered (trying to login... sorry on my other laptop, much easier when this program works)
Created attachment 104219 [details] kdeconnect working machine log shows the polkit registering on a good machine, so if thisis the problem, how do I fix it?
localhost ~]$ /usr/libexec/kdeconnectd nothing
killall kdeconnectd; /usr/libexec/kdeconnectd
did that and not a sausage
Then something is really broken with your system. You should at least see "kdeconnect.core: KdeConnect daemon starting". Make sure your kdeconnectd is actually dead, before starting the new one!
I'll remove a some packages with the bunch of deps and see if anything changes, I've started with removing polkit and doing a kernel update @tm so if anything changes there'll be a report on here. Thanks for your speedy reply, oh yes all kdeconnectd was killed before executing
when I say nothing happened within the terminal command, the kdeconnectd did start again but there was no change to the program
What was the output? Any message that looks like an error?
'blank' on the problem machine and just icon missing with the good 1
It should print something on the console where you execute it.
(In reply to Albert Vaca from comment #18) > It should print something on the console where you execute it. nope (nothing on my working desktop aswell)
the cursor is just wedged to the left and blank
Created attachment 104223 [details] caught after polkit reinstall and deps with KDE apps After removing polkit and reinstalling all the essential deps back again after a few reboots, first there was a component crash in the top right of screen but no indication of which (shall have to crawl through the journalctl (shall see if I can see anything) did a couple of logins after reinstalling KDE and apps ('cause polkit requires loads of deps) kdecrashed + other. This was noticed on my initial install (lots of crashes, like the snapshot) but didn't catch it with screenshot
As you would guess! no change in the kdeconnect💣
Was just about to hose my system after doing some backups, when I thought of rebooting just 1 last time. I had previously removed some troublesome packages relating to (nVidia, I'm with Linus on this 1 and they deserve the finger, lost sleep over it trying to get it to work), anyways, after logging in I found no WiFi to connect with and plugged in my wired connection. Opened KDE Connect (BOOM), low and behold >> Devices to connect to.
I'll try to nail the problem when I do a bit more investigation, but can safely say it's fixed for now!!
Come to the conclusion my install si BORKED. The program failed again so I'm going to wipe it out of my miserable life and try a fresh / install
comment #13 summed it up. Something went bad with the system. All is good now with a fresh install. The GChrome Ext' is great addition btw Thanks for your support Albert
Seems like it wasn't a problem in the end.