When typing a new name, the dropdown displays a list item "Add <name> in persons". When selecting this action and hitting enter, the name is added to persons, but not to the currently created face rectangle. The rectangle's label displays an empty string. I have to click it again, type the name, select it from the suggested (no existing) persons and hit enter.
> select it from the suggested (now existing) persons and hit enter.
Actually the photo is tagged correctly with the newly created person, but the string is not added to the view (UI). That means in Album/preview view you type a new name, "Add ... to persons", then see the empty string, then select thumbnails view (the grid), then double-click the photo to get the preview again, the tag now shows the name instead of an empty string.
It's the same behavior with 5.5.0 pre release ? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzeiVr-byqt5Y0tIRWVWelRJenM Gilles Caulier
After 3 weeks of work, i finally completed the compilation of AppImage using Qt 5.11.3 + QWebkit 5.212. New 6.1.0 pre-release AppImage bundle can be found here (64 bits only for the moment) : https://files.kde.org/digikam/ Please check if this bugzilla entry still valid. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
This problem has been resolved for some time. I close the bug. Maik