When working in a Konsole window, Orca won't read the output of the commands I type in. When I use Orca's flat navigation keys to look at the window, all I see is a menu bar and a layered pane, but no output of the commands I typed or the command history itself.
I assume you mean gnome-ocra the screen reader? I'm not familiar with it. DOes it work with xterm and gnome-terminal?
Note: I am no maintainer but from the bugsquad. Hey Hunter, if the issue still exists, could you please give us an update regarding is? We need to find out if this is a bug with konsole or orca. Thanks for your help :) System Information: konsole 17.12.3 kde-plasma-version: 5.12.6 kde-frameworks-version: 5.44.0 qt-version: 5.9.5
After installing orca and tryining it out for a bit, I could not reproduce this bug. For me the input and output of commands gets spoken.