Steps to reproduce: 1. i=0; while :; do ((i++)); printf '%d\r' $i; done 2. Press Ctrl-C. 3. Type "exit" and press enter. Expected results: After 1. terminal prints increasing numbers. After 2. terminal prints shell prompt. After 3. terminal closes. Actual results: After 1. terminal prints increasing numbers. After 2. terminal displays last number printed, with cursor at start of line. no shell prompt is displayed, and typing produces no output. After 3. terminal closes.
Do you know if you have unlimited scrollbacK? If so, after 2GB of scrollback, Konsole behaves badly.
No, I set limited scrollback due to the excessively inefficient usage of RAM. Anyways, I cut it off after few hundred thousand, so that shouldn't be an issue.
I can reproduce it in about 1 out of 10 attempts.
Scrollback shouldn't matter (Kurt: note the '\r' in the output, this script just overwrites the number at a fixed location).
I wonder if this is the same as - that one is really confusing
Yeah they do sound the same.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 372991 ***