Created attachment 103737 [details] New suppresion Function pthread_create indirectly calls function memcpy. Helgrind considers that memcpy is not thread safe function. For error reported from pthread_create there is the suppresion helgrind---_dl_allocate_tls in the file glibc-2.34567-NPTL-helgrind.supp. Since glibc version 2.23 memcpy is implemented by __mempcpy_inline. This causes that call to memcpy from pthread_create is no longer recognized by suppression. In test helgrind/tests/tc22_exit_w_lock, pthread_create is called twice, and second call reports error, which causes failing of test. Attached patch adds suppression for glibc 2.23 and grater.
(In reply to Tamara Vlahovic from comment #0) > Created attachment 103737 [details] > New suppresion > > Function pthread_create indirectly calls function memcpy. Helgrind considers > that memcpy is not thread safe function. For error reported from > pthread_create there is the suppresion helgrind---_dl_allocate_tls in the > file glibc-2.34567-NPTL-helgrind.supp. > Since glibc version 2.23 memcpy is implemented by __mempcpy_inline. This > causes that call to memcpy from pthread_create is no longer recognized by > suppression. > In test helgrind/tests/tc22_exit_w_lock, pthread_create is called twice, and > second call reports error, which causes failing of test. > Attached patch adds suppression for glibc 2.23 and grater. This makes sense to me. Anybody else has a comment?
Patch committed as r16219. Thank you.
This issue should be closed now.