Bug 375800 - Extrange unmatch between exact lines
Summary: Extrange unmatch between exact lines
Alias: None
Product: kompare
Classification: Applications
Component: parser (show other bugs)
Version: 4.1.3
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kompare developers
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Reported: 2017-01-31 14:36 UTC by Rafael Linux User
Modified: 2017-02-01 02:14 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Lines equals but showed like distint (100.58 KB, image/png)
2017-01-31 14:36 UTC, Rafael Linux User

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Description Rafael Linux User 2017-01-31 14:36:26 UTC
Created attachment 103735 [details]
Lines equals but showed like distint

In the attached image you could see on bluish background two lines: One empty (line 33)and then another that begins with "$this->" (line 34). That line is exactly the same on left side (line 32). However, I understand Kompare is telling that there something new on right side (the bluish background lines).

Or maybe I am misinterpreting what Kompare is showing.
Comment 1 Christoph Feck 2017-02-01 00:20:37 UTC
A space got inserted after "$this->Usuario,"
Comment 2 Rafael Linux User 2017-02-01 02:14:03 UTC
My fault  :(   I must consider spaces too.

Thank you.