Bug 375359 - akonadi google contacts5, no sync from google contacts to kaddressbook
Summary: akonadi google contacts5, no sync from google contacts to kaddressbook
Alias: None
Product: Akonadi
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: Google Resource (show other bugs)
Version: 5.7.3
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Daniel Vrátil
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-01-21 06:40 UTC by Philippe ROUBACH
Modified: 2023-04-30 08:04 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Philippe ROUBACH 2017-01-21 06:40:47 UTC
opensue 42.2 x86_64
libkf5gapcontacts5 5.3.1
kaddressbook 5.3.0

i change  a data about a person in android contacts app.
i go to https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#contacts
changes are well there
after several days changes are not there in kaddressbook.

sync from kaddressbook to google contacts runs well.
Comment 1 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-29 09:32:24 UTC
Same here with Ubuntu 16.10

libkf5gapicore5 5.1.0

The only way to get my KDE calendar updated is to remove the Akonadi resource and re-add it.
Comment 2 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 09:55:35 UTC
in a VM i experiment this:
opensuse leap 42.2 updated wtih the folowwong repos:
KDE Extra
KDE Applications -16.12
KDE Framework5   - 5.32
Qt5              - 5.9

no sync problem for kaddressbook
no sync problem for korganizer

i do same update with my current opensuse but no success.

as you Michael i created again akonadi google contacts and calendar then all is synced but after again i get sync problem.

i assume something is broken in my akonadi data at an upper level.
it is necessary to delete  /home/roubach/.local/share/akonadi/
in futur i will experiment this.
Comment 3 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 10:06:52 UTC
Be careful I broke:
Calibre (I had to install instead the binary flavor supplied by calibre team)
Digikam (I had to revert to marble 16.08)
all apps using kipiplugins. I had to revert to kipiplugins 16.08
Comment 4 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-29 10:10:21 UTC
Did it help when you deleted  /home/roubach/.local/share/akonadi/ ?
My suspicion is that it is caused by a bug in the software rather than some old data there.
Comment 5 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 10:20:41 UTC

How do you explain there is no sync problem in a clean installation+updates i mention?

i assume when i installed my operational opensuse then import my pim data akonadi soft was buggy and something has been badly created in the structure.

i did not delete akonadi. i said i will do. i want to be sure to not lost some mails. i never do this and i must be sure of how to proceed.
Comment 6 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-29 12:30:15 UTC
@philippe, maybe you're right. I am just fed up with removing the akonadi directory every now and then because something in akonadi was messed up and is not compatible any more. :-/
But you have a point with your clean installation, so I'll give it a try as well. Good luck to you; let's see what we find out.
Comment 7 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-29 12:40:49 UTC
I just tried it. Surprisingly, the configuration of all agents (Mail servers, Google account) was still there so I did not need to re-configure anything. Seems there is information about akonadi hidden somewhere else.
Comment 8 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 13:02:09 UTC
akonadi stores only pim data not pim settings.
Is problem solved?
Comment 9 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 13:07:59 UTC
i found the method:
- quit kontact
- with akonadiconsole stop akonadi server
- delete akonadi data
- start akonadi server
- launch kontact
Comment 10 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 14:49:27 UTC
i made an error akonadi stores pim settings in ~/.config/akonadi
Comment 11 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-29 16:49:37 UTC
Be careful.

after deleted data then restart akonadi then kontact
for kmail
for all accounts
for receiving
security protocol was not good. id and pw protocol was not good.i use "automatic detection" to restore.
for sending
security protocol was not good. i use "automatic detection" to restore.
for one account path to inbox was not good

problem is not solved!

it remains to delete ~/config/akonadi/

i will experiment this later.
Comment 12 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-31 09:56:39 UTC
Yesterday there was an update of KDE Applications to 17.03.

Today I experiment there is no more sync problem from G contacts to kaddressbook.

can you confirm this?
Comment 13 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-31 10:01:24 UTC
Depends. If you think the problem disappeared because of the update, then I have to wait until it shows up in Ubuntu.
If you think it is because of your experiments with deleting stuff, I can give it a try. What should I delete to test it?
Comment 14 Philippe ROUBACH 2017-03-31 10:14:14 UTC
I proceed same experiment(deleting.local/share/konadi/) as you with no success.
I did not try to delete.config/akonadi/.

The today success is due to update of kde applications to 17.03
Comment 15 Michael Kiefer 2017-03-31 10:22:27 UTC
Ok, then maybe I will get this in two weeks with Ubuntu 17.04. I will try to keep it in mind to write my results here...
Comment 16 Philippe ROUBACH 2018-09-11 10:23:14 UTC
opensuse leap 15.0
kde app 17.12.3
kaddressbook 5.7.3
gapi contact 

no more problem
Comment 17 Txutxifel 2020-02-29 16:25:54 UTC
I have the same problem in Opensuse Tumbleweed:

If I change somethin from https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox, korganized is not updated

From konganized to Google works perfectly
KDE Extra
KDE Applications -19.12
KDE Framework5   - 5.67
Qt5              - 5.14

It happens from a long time.

I created a new user, in case I had a problem in my file config without success