Created attachment 103200 [details] crash log After a clean build of the latest 3.1 branch on my workstation, I have this crash on application start (see attached log). I did have a system update, so that's most probably related. Btw, I couldn't send the report from Dr Konqi, as it complained the application krita doesn't provide address for the bug report (something like that in french..)
Um... I am pretty sure that this is a local problem...
Ok, more infos: This crash happens with eigen 3.3.1 and 3.3.0 (on my computer with amd A10 cpu, if that matters). When using eigen 3.2.10 instead, no more crash.
Let me paste what I said on IRC. My best bet is that libs/image is built with -mavx or -march=native (or similar), whereas the plugin convolutionfilters is built with SSE only. This breaks the ABI, and in particular, the plugin create a MatrixXd with 16bytes alignement whereas lib/image expect 32 bytes alignment by default to comply with AVX requirements. If you want SSE/AVX compatibility, then you have to compile all libs/plugins that use Eigen with either: -DEIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES=16 -DEIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES=32
Timothee, do you build with -dPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON or OFF? If off, then Gael's explanation might be possible, but with ON, we build separate object files for every vectorization extension, which is basically everything that uses Vc.
Indeed I do build with -DPACKAGERS_BUILD=OFF .
And yes, if I build with DPACKAGERS_BUILD=ON, no more crash. updated the bug title.
I think it's time to retire that option and always build with it enabled.
Git commit a46bc0f05f8b2ee10878ea1a1e88e312c93b3ca8 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 25/01/2017 at 09:45. Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'. This complicates builds, is less compatible with Eigen3 and doesn't give a noticable performance improvement if turned off. M +4 -4 3rdparty/ M +0 -17 CMakeLists.txt M +0 -1 config-vc.h.cmake M +0 -24 libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h
*** Bug 375614 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Git commit c69232ab2749de9651c35c9b2c5c58f3d4f12a1e by Nicholas LaPointe. Committed on 30/01/2017 at 12:41. Pushed by nicholasl into branch 'krita/3.1'. Remove the PACKAGERS_BUILD option This commit makes nearly the same changes as the following commits in master: commit bf7e7db4e8aa9bc3f551bc5de28c36c2a587011b Author: Nicholas LaPointe <> Date: Mon Jan 30 07:33:01 2017 -0500 Remove remnants of PACKAGERS_BUILD option After the option was removed in a46bc0f05f8b2ee10878ea1a1e88e312c93b3ca8, Krita would segfault at startup for me. This patch fixes that and removes other references to PACKAGERS_BUILD. Differential Revision: commit a46bc0f05f8b2ee10878ea1a1e88e312c93b3ca8 Author: Boudewijn Rempt <> Date: Wed Jan 25 10:45:52 2017 +0100 This complicates builds, is less compatible with Eigen3 and doesn't give a noticable performance improvement if turned off. M +4 -4 3rdparty/ M +0 -17 CMakeLists.txt M +0 -2 M +0 -1 config-vc.h.cmake M +0 -3 libs/image/CMakeLists.txt M +0 -24 libs/pigment/compositeops/KoVcMultiArchBuildSupport.h M +0 -1 packaging/linux/appimage/ M +0 -1 packaging/linux/appimage/ M +1 -1 packaging/osx/notes.txt M +0 -1 packaging/osx/ M +1 -1 packaging/windows/build.bat M +1 -1 packaging/windows/build_krita.bat M +1 -1 packaging/windows/mxe.txt