Plasma themes are installed to .local/share/ instead of .local/share/plasma/desktoptheme I can reproduce this bug on the latest versions of Krypton and Neon
I can confirm this happening since a recent rebuild, still have to understand where the problem lies
this is due to the recent change in plasma-framework dc4474125ca85003ade1550517f602cde1b70ab8 which delegated plasmapkg2 tool to kpackagetool5 which evidently there was some spacial casing done by plasmapkg2 which doesn't work anymore
I see that other items from kde store like color schemes and window decorations are also installed to .local/share/
Git commit 642db25fb9eef5913b592e5435fe3f4a6c8fc732 by Marco Martin. Committed on 03/01/2017 at 12:25. Pushed by mart into branch 'master'. search/replace old hardcoded types from plasmapkg2 there is a single difference between command line parameters of plasmapkg2 and kpackagetool5: plasmapkg2 had some hardcoded names like "theme", "plasmoid" etc. kpackagetool5 requires the servicetype name to be passed instead. in order to stay compatible convert those parameter with the proper servicetype name. it's parsing parameters by hand in order to just pass anything else without further parsing REVIEW:129753 Change-Id: I6adece9b3dd351331d747505c455e0f79cd0ecf7 M +2 -0 src/plasma/packagestructure/plasmathemepackage.cpp M +58 -1 src/plasmapkg/main.cpp