A minor annoyance for a long time, but as I am now organising several thousand photos I thought it is time to report. After dragging and dropping a set of selected pictures, the view does get updated correctly. It remains at the same relative picture. An example with numbers: I'm in album view with a grid of 4 pictures wide. I select the first 16 pictures and drop them in an other other folder. The expected behaviour is that the first next picture that was not selected(originally #17, now #1 ) is now in focus and in view. However, the first picture is indeed in focus, but the view stays at at picture #16 (originally #34) picture, so I have to scroll back up to see the next picture I want to process.
Just to be sure, this problem is reproducible with Universal Linux AppImage bundle for digiKAm 5.4.0 pre-release available here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzeiVr-byqt5Y0tIRWVWelRJenM If yes, can you take a video capture of the screen while the dysfunction ? Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier
digiKam 7.0.0 stable release is now published: https://www.digikam.org/news/2020-07-19-7.0.0_release_announcement/ We need a fresh feedback on this file using this version. Best Regards Gilles Caulier
Hi Gilles, I just downloaded the snappackage for 7.0.0 and installed it on ubuntu 20.04. Can confirm the problem is solved. This bugreport can be closed. Many thanks! Bert
Thanks for the feedback. Maik