Help > About yeilds Version 1.6-branch #4910 instead of Version 1.6.2
But version.h reports 1.6.2: blob: 5d882228a8a8da832c0eea4d0211a34894eca7b2 (plain) 1 2 3 #ifndef KONVI_VERSION #define KONVI_VERSION "1.6.2" #endif
I selected Platform: Ubuntu Packages, as I noticed this on Kubuntu, but I have confirmed on Manjaro KDE Stable Branch.
Hmm are you sure those packages are built from the 1.6.2 release source packages and not just from the 1.6 branch? It's only the release source packages that will report 1.6.2 as the version.
TY, and I know this is not an answer, but more information. Manjaro Unstable shows Version 1.6-branch #4910. $ pacman -Si konversation Repository : extra Name : konversation Version : 1.6.2-1 Description : A user friendly IRC client for KDE Architecture : x86_64 URL : Licenses : GPL2 FDL Groups : None Provides : None Depends On : knotifyconfig kemoticons kparts kidletime qca-qt5 hicolor-icon-theme Optional Deps : python: python scripting support Conflicts With : None Replaces : None Download Size : 4.36 MiB Installed Size : 14.17 MiB Packager : Antonio Rojas <> Build Date : Wed 03 Aug 2016 04:58:21 PM EDT Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
According arch PKGBUILD. It's built against 1.6.2 tar.xz archive from kde release download site. source=("${pkgname}/${pkgver}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz"{,.sig})
This will be superceded by the 1.7 release soon.