When I add a guide in timelime, I can't edit its title with a mouse. The edit dialog doesn't appear. I tried double-clicking on the title, right-click on the title. When I mapped Edit Guide to a key, I could bring up the edit dialog. kdenlive was refreshed from git today.
In the bottom right corner of the timeline there is a button which has a waving flag which enables/disables the guide comments, does that fix your issue?
I have the same issue. The problem is when the guide flag is over a clip. If it is over empty space you can access it. My lame workaround is to put an unused blank track at the top. Then I can right-click the guide flag and access its menu.
I see what you mean. Confirmed!
Git commit 61362b9cb8fdf458b7892de8109eda51f68a4c8e by Jean-Baptiste Mardelle. Committed on 11/12/2016 at 20:18. Pushed by mardelle into branch 'Applications/16.12'. Fix timeline guide uneditable when over clip M +0 -1 src/icons.qrc M +1 -1 src/timeline/clipitem.cpp M +12 -8 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp https://commits.kde.org/kdenlive/61362b9cb8fdf458b7892de8109eda51f68a4c8e
Confirmed fixed in master. Thanks