Possibly related to https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=373334 In Krita 2.9.x checking Use system monitor profile would change the display profiles to the display profile that was loaded for your monitor (if one was loaded.) This was a really nice feature (even if it just worked in Linux iirc) and it doesn't seem to work in 3.x.
Git commit 9913c1b026c2fcb79b7eb0c0c0ce8aa92e65a516 by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 07/12/2016 at 10:15. Pushed by rempt into branch 'krita/3.1'. This must've been broken since September, and it meant that you'd only see use system monitor profile checkbox if colord wasn't running, which meant nothing would happen. M +0 -3 libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc https://commits.kde.org/krita/9913c1b026c2fcb79b7eb0c0c0ce8aa92e65a516
Git commit 877496f55ab2e0c578429074a6ad9aa6f54ea7ce by Boudewijn Rempt. Committed on 07/12/2016 at 10:16. Pushed by rempt into branch 'rempt/impex-refactoring'. This must've been broken since September, and it meant that you'd only see use system monitor profile checkbox if colord wasn't running, which meant nothing would happen. M +0 -3 libs/ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_preferences.cc https://commits.kde.org/krita/877496f55ab2e0c578429074a6ad9aa6f54ea7ce