File creation scenarii: ----------------------- 1) * Open Krita * Do a ctrl-N * Configure new file * Click on Create 2) * Open Krita * Click on File > New * Configure new file * Click on Create Expected behavior: ------------------ A new file is open. Current behavior: ----------------- The application close itself without any warning. ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------- ************************************************* Open file scenarii: ------------------- 1) * Open Krita * Do a ctrl-O * Select a picture file (e.G. .png) * Click on Open 2) * Open Krita * Click on File > Open * Select a picture file (e.G. .png) * Click on Open Expected behavior: ------------------ The selected file is open. Current behavior: ----------------- The application close itself without any warning. ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------- ************************************************* Information: ------------ 1) My Krita is in French, so I don't have english labels (I assumed labels like "open" or "create" in the issue description). 2) I'm on a Manjaro Linux (ArchLinux distribution) 3) I installed Krita with pacman, the default package manager 4) I never opened Krita before 5) I did not any configuration of the application 6) If I open Krita in a terminal, after click on create or open, I got those logs: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Could not load cursor from qrc, trying filesystem "tool_rectangle_cursor.png" Could not load cursor from filesystem "tool_rectangle_cursor.png" libpng warning: iCCP: too many profiles krita.lib.flake: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_lower" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_left" shortcut: "Ctrl+[" krita.lib.flake: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_raise" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_right" shortcut: "Ctrl+]" krita.lib.flake: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_lower" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_left" shortcut: "Ctrl+[" krita.lib.flake: "InteractionTool" : action "object_order_raise" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_right" shortcut: "Ctrl+]" krita.lib.flake: "KritaShape/KisToolBrush" : action "object_order_lower" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_left" shortcut: "Ctrl+[" krita.lib.flake: "KritaShape/KisToolBrush" : action "object_order_raise" conflicts with canvas action "rotate_canvas_right" shortcut: "Ctrl+]" Erreur de segmentation (core dumped) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi, This must be some local issue or build issue... Since, obviously, this doesn't happen to other people. Can you check whether the crash still happens if you disable opengl before opening an image? If so, can you run Krita in gdb and see if you can create a backtrace? You can also try to run the appimage and see if that doesn't crash. If that is the case, the bug should be reported to Arch.
Hi Vraken, Can you please provide information that boud requested in the comment 1. For now due to lack of response I am closing this bug report. If you think you are still facing the same issue with the latest version of krita. please re-open this bug report. thank you