Bug 370611 - merging a multi-selection of layers with layer below merges with the bottom-most selected layer, not the layer beneath the selection.
Summary: merging a multi-selection of layers with layer below merges with the bottom-m...
Alias: None
Product: krita
Classification: Applications
Component: Layer Stack (show other bugs)
Version: 3.0.1
Platform: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Krita Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-10-12 22:56 UTC by pkms7.62
Modified: 2020-04-10 08:45 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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(Video example - Content disappears when merging 2 layers with inherit alpha on) (1.79 MB, video/mp4)
2017-01-05 06:49 UTC, mvowada

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Description pkms7.62 2016-10-12 22:56:53 UTC
After merging 2 and more layers with locked alpha channel in a group (without merging 1 regular layer underneath) you get a new layer with visible result. But when you hide-unhide this layer it turns out that result disappeared.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. make new project with new 3 empty layers
2. group them
3. draw something on the bottom layer
4. lock alpha channel on the top 2 layers
5. draw some hatches on every of them to cover the bottom layer
6. select alpha locked channels and merge them
7. hide and unhide merged layer

Actual Results:  
At the step 6 the expected result is visible (as usual) when in fact there is no more. You could see this in the thumbnail of merged layer in "Layers" docker.

Expected Results:  
The result of merged layers on step 6 should not disappear.
Comment 1 animtim 2016-10-13 09:22:12 UTC
First, I need some clarification:

-on step 4, don't you mean actually "disable alpha" (the alpha icon) instead of lock alpha (the checker icon)? I ask this because if alpha is locked, then you can not on them at step 5.

Note that I can't reproduce the bug here, neither with disable alpha nor lock alpha.
Comment 2 pkms7.62 2016-10-13 10:55:12 UTC
My bad - that was the "inherit alpha" (not disable though!) with the 
strikethrough alpha-icon to the right of layer name; I fixed the bug title. I'm sorry.
Also the bug reproduces on both x64 and x86 Krita versions.
Comment 3 pkms7.62 2016-10-13 13:03:31 UTC
Ok, it's strange - now I can't reproduce the bug on x64 machine too (hardware-specific bug? inb4: old NVidia GF 9600GT, newest drivers pack, no artefacts on other applications)
Anyway something like that (particularly) remains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrMW5XLLikI
See, the rest of merged layers is still visible.
Comment 4 mvowada 2017-01-05 06:49:45 UTC
Created attachment 103206 [details]
(Video example - Content disappears when merging 2 layers with inherit alpha on)

(In reply to pkms7.62 from comment #0)

(Krita 3.1.1 on Ubuntu 14.04) - I can reproduce that the content of the 2 layers with "Inherit Alpha" on, disappear after merging them. Please, see also the video in attachment for the steps I've followed.

1) Select and group 3 transparent layers (CTRL + G)
3) Fill the bottom layer of the group with color (SHIFT + BACKSPACE)
2) Turn on Inherit Alpha on the top 2 layers of the group
3) Paint something on both of them
4) Finally, select and merge them.

Expected Results: the content of the merged layers should be preserved?
Actual results: the content of the merged layers disappears after merging them.
Comment 5 Halla Rempt 2017-02-27 19:26:36 UTC
Hm... The thing is, the merge with layer below doesn't seem to merge with the layer underneath all selected layers, but with the bottommost layer of the selected layer group. That's confusing, I guess.
Comment 6 Eoin O'Neill 2019-08-05 17:53:21 UTC
I've tried to reproduce this now and it doesn't seem to work. It's actually pretty likely that a previous patch I made during last years sprint that tackled merging of Inherit Alpha layers actually resolved this issue. I don't remember the bug number of that issue, but it's very likely they were related.

Have you tried reproducing this on the latest version of Krita?
Comment 7 mvowada 2019-08-06 08:16:20 UTC
Hi, in my case I've tried with Version: 4.2.0-pre-alpha (git c2fbec1) and I can't reproduce the bug. Thanks
Comment 8 Halla Rempt 2020-04-10 08:45:09 UTC
Let's close the bug then...