Hallo, I work with DigiKam/Showfoto 5.2.0 on a Win7 system. I wrote some IPTC tags, that contained also both German umlauts and also chinese characters with Exiftool into a *.jpg image. I opened this image with ShowFoto and all IPTC-tags were read and displayed properly. I opened the edit-metadata dialog for this item in digiKam and also all IPTC-tags were displayed properly. They were also rewritten properly into the image (as far as I can decide). I also have seen that in case of writing IPTC into an image the code sign (= CodedCharacterSet tag) is set to UTF8 (which is necessary for Unicode values). In GUI of digiKam it is stated that all IPTC-tags allow only ASCII input. But for me the above test showed that only the input of Unicode characters is missing in digiKam/ShowFoto. This is very important (for me) because e.g. all German Umlauts are Unicode characters. So please allow input of Unicode characters as values of IPTC tags. Remark: Also XnViewMP and also Daminion support this feature. Reading IPTC tags they use CodedCharacterSet tag. Is this tag not given for IPTC tags not stored in UTF8 they support a setting to enter the encoding. Thanks in advance. Best regards Herb Reproducible: Always
looks like a duplicate of 195508 bug actually this issue has been reported several time over the years. It would be nice to have it fixed UFT8 is explicitley and clearly part of IPTC standard. Which means Digikam is not following the standard just checking on the IPTC standard group website will confirm it. http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf page 28 The metadata working group is the group that nows, set the iptc and xmp standards All software to manipulate photo metadata I know of are able to deal with IPTC written in UFT8 (adobe, window, exiftool,...). This is a big problem for Digikam as all chinese,... caracters gets "corrupted". This is the only thing that locks me with lightroom. I would love see this change. regards
Actually this issue is related/has been reproted several times ex: issues number 195508, 370558, 379050, 379581
Git commit 898bf34cbe37c497a614b01fe9cacdf27c9d27a0 by Gilles Caulier. Committed on 28/08/2020 at 15:18. Pushed by cgilles into branch 'master'. IPTC Metadata Editor: permit to enter UTF8 characters FIXED-IN: 7.1.0 M +3 -11 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptccategories.cpp M +4 -12 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptccontent.cpp M +4 -13 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptccredits.cpp M +9 -20 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptcenvelope.cpp M +2 -9 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptckeywords.cpp M +4 -15 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptcorigin.cpp M +4 -13 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptcproperties.cpp M +7 -16 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptcstatus.cpp M +6 -19 core/dplugins/generic/metadata/metadataedit/iptc/iptcsubjects.cpp https://invent.kde.org/graphics/digikam/commit/898bf34cbe37c497a614b01fe9cacdf27c9d27a0
Hello, this sounds really good. Thanks in advance for this enhancement. But sorry to say: Does this correction/enhancement also allow to enter Unicode-Strings into EXIF metadata. I ask this, because MWG (Metadata Working Group) requests that some metadata are not only synchronized between IPTC-IIM and corresponding XMP fields, but also between EXIF and XMP. I hope the answer is yes. Thanks and best regards herb
> Does this correction/enhancement also allow to enter Unicode-Strings into EXIF metadata. Not yet. there is no technical limitation for this feature. Please create a file in bugzilla for this topic. Thanks in advance Gilles Caulier