There is a odd bug regarding with the samba protocol. When I have this directory structure I can't create or copy files into it. smb://{IP address}/{share}/ (folder is read only) Any sub-folder is read-write as normally. The bug also has other odd thing to it. If I create a new folder on Windows XP (remote computer) and share it that top folder is read-write. This bug is not present in KDE plasma version 5.7.4, but it is present in version 5.7.5. I'm currently running Dolphin version 16.04.3. This also happens when I'm communicating with a computer that has Samba version 4.4.3 installed (FreeBSD). I know this is not a remote computer problem or a samba problem as I tested that possibility. I'm going to upgrade to kde version 5.8.0 soon and I hope this bug is resolved in that version. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Log on to a Windows share (I only have Windows XP/FreeBSD Samba 4.4.3 share) 2. Log-in to the remote computer. Options for creating folder or copy files to samba shares is disabled at top level folder, but works in sub-folder. 3. Actual Results: Samba share appears to be read only while it is in fact read-write and all settings are correct. Sub-folders work properly. Expected Results: All samba shares should be read-write and accessible. This did not happen with KDE plasma version 5.7.4 or older versions. Only appears in KDE Plasma after version 5.7.5.
I can confirm this bug also in KDE 5.8.0. I can no longer copy or create new files on samba shares if I'm not in a sub-folder.
I can confirm this issue, and also the fact that it only occurs within KDE Plasma's KIO / Dolphin. I have that problem with a Synology DiskStation.
I can confirm this bug in KDE 5.8.3. It continues to happen in FreeBSD 10.3 with Samba 4.4.5. There was one difference now, before I connected to Windows XP machine I connected to FreeBSD machine and then I was able to create new folders at top folder levels (samba:\\{computer}\folder\), after I connected to the Windows XP machine that was no longer possible when I reconnected to the FreeBSD machine. There are no error messages that I can show, since none appear in dmesg.
Hi, i can confirm.. and add more related info: it seems to be not read-only on the top folder.. it is just no write permission.. because i'm able to delete and rename files and folders in that top folder. this also happens on mtp:// (and maybe other kio_slaves) kde 5.8.3 kde frameworks 5.27.0 dolphin 16.08.2
Adding more info. This bug also effects copying files to samba share. It sometimes works at sub-directory (smb:[IP-Address]/folder/folder) and sometimes it doesn't. I'm currently running KDE Plasma 5.8.3. Dolphin 16.04.3.
I confirm this bug also in openSUSE Leap 42.2 in Dolphin version 16.08.2 and KDE Frameworks 5.26.0, Qt 5.6.1 (собрана с версией 5.6.1), and windowing system xcb. This bug is very annoiyng and I will be glad to have imporvement patch as soon as possible. Mean time Krusader and Smb4K are working just fine without this bug when working with the same Samba shares. So as work around at least in openSUSE Leap 42.2 I suggest to use them where missing behaviour of Dolphin is needed.
Confirmed too on Plasma 5.9
I have discovered that if a 2nd tree folder (that is folder->folder) has a dummy folder or file it is possible to move and copy into that folder. This does not work on 1st order folder (smb:\\folder). This bug does not appear to leave any error messages to work with.
yep same bug here:
(In reply to kiv from comment #6) > I confirm this bug also in openSUSE Leap 42.2 in Dolphin version 16.08.2 and > KDE Frameworks 5.26.0, Qt 5.6.1 (собрана с версией 5.6.1), and windowing > system xcb. > This bug is very annoiyng and I will be glad to have imporvement patch as > soon as possible. > > Mean time Krusader and Smb4K are working just fine without this bug when > working with the same Samba shares. > So as work around at least in openSUSE Leap 42.2 I suggest to use them where > missing behaviour of Dolphin is needed. When openSUSE Leap 42.3 was released this bug was not available in Leap 42.3. Unfortunately now after about a Year and several updates of openSUSE Leap 42.3 I can confrim it again become available. Same bug now is available again with Dolphin 17.04.2 in Leap 42.3.