This doesn't always happen but is relatively frequent. If I am working on other apps and then switch back to Krita, sometimes it disables the Pen Pressure. If I then try to enable it again by pressing the correspondent Pen Pressure icon, it still doesn't work. I have to interact with the app (zoom/pan/paint/...) before it comes back to normal.
Hi Silva, You need to give more information when making bug reports. What brand of tablet do you have, which drivers, what version of OSX, what do you mean with "pressure icon" -- this report is just too vague to be useful.
Hi Boudewijn, I have a Wacom Bamboo CTH661with it's latest drivers (5.3.6-6). My OSX is El Capitan. By "pressure icon" I mean the "Use Pen Pressure". Sorry for the vagueness of the report, but I cannot reproduce the exact steps, although it has happened some times.
Weird, I've seen this reported before, but about cheap tablets like Genius and on Windows, not OSX. On OSX we use Qt's tablet code still, and apparently there is a similar issue: the tablet driver won't give us our context back. Does it matter whether you switch to another application that can make use of the pressure-sensitive stylus or not?
Aha! That was it! The problem seems to happen more often when switching from another application that uses pressure-sensitivity. If I close the other application, the brush behaves normal again. Thanks Boudewijn!
Could also check the latest beta -- ?
Created attachment 101949 [details] attachment-7718-0.html Yes, still happens on 3.0.91. If I switch to Safari or iTunes (for example) and then back to Krita, it happens with some regularity (strangely enough, not always). I thought it was only related to other apps using Wacom pressure but I was wrong.
Hi, We hear this sometimes, but also for other applications like photoshop. It's the wacom driver that's getting confused about which application matches which tablet context apparently, and not something we can do anything about.