The current update script from breeze-gtk seems to write out configs to the users config dir even when no configuration files are present in the home dir. This totally breaks shipping custom configurations downstream. The update script should be fixed to accommodate OEM's setting a custom gtk theme. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Ship a custom config in /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc 2. Remove ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and ~/.gtkrc-2.0 3. Edit ~/.config/kconf_updaterc to remove the GTKBreeze5.5 entry 4. Logout and Login Actual Results: Files in the home dir are recreated overriding distro ones Expected Results: Distro files should not be overridden unless explicitly configured by the user.
"even when no configuration files are present" that's deliberate, but indeed it should consider distro settings in /etc
That would be tricky to solve, what if a distro explicitly wants to use the oxygen theme?
If the configuration file is present it shouldn't override it as I say
This bug seems to be obsolete; we don't ship a KConf update script anymore and such a script's effects would probably be nullified by kde-gtk-config if it did exist.