When I middle-click on the title of an article in the article view the action of the left mouse is performed, not the one of the middle mouse button. Reproducible: Always
Can confirm. Middle mouse button and left mouse button behave the same way in this scenario. Akregator version 5.3.0 To reproduce: 1. Settings => Browser 2. Set "Left mouse click" to "open in tab" 3. Set "Middle mouse click" to "open in external browser" 4. Save settings 5. Using left mouse button on a link opens given link in new akregator tab (correct) 6. Using middle mouse button on a link opens given link in new akregator tab (incorrect) now reverse: 1. Settings => Browser 2. Set "Left mouse click" to "open in external browser 3. Set "Middle mouse click" to "open in tab" 4. Save settings 5. Using left mouse button on a link opens given link in external browser (correct) 6. Using middle mouse button on a link opens given link in external browser (incorrect)
Thank you for reporting this bug in KDE software. As it has been a while since this issue was reported, can we please ask you to see if you can reproduce the issue with a recent software version? If you can reproduce the issue, please change the status to "REPORTED" when replying. Thank you!
In Akregator version 5.21.2 (22.08.2) this behavior no longer occurs. Looks like it was fixed along the way.