Bug 368705 - Port to Qt5 and Add webEngine
Summary: Port to Qt5 and Add webEngine
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Neon Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konqueror Developers
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Reported: 2016-09-12 15:43 UTC by avlas
Modified: 2016-12-19 15:29 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description avlas 2016-09-12 15:43:22 UTC
There is people out there still using Konqueror (The Once Great Swiss-army Knife). We would highly appreciate if KDE would have a supported browser ported to Qt5, powered by webEngine (Akregator has replaced webkit by webEngine recently, I guess that work could be used).
This change would remove Qt4 dependencies and would highly improve browsing security as well user experience. Also bunch of bugs about webpages that crash Konqueror would be gone for good.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Christoph Feck 2016-09-14 16:13:15 UTC
Konqueror and the WebKit part will be released as Qt5 versions starting with KDE Applications 16.12 release.
Comment 2 avlas 2016-09-14 16:24:14 UTC
That is great news that Konqueror will be ported to Qt5 very soon!

Interesting also the news about WebKit. What is the state of WebKit, is it still maintained and safe to use? I heard otherwise somewhere, and that WebEngine was way better. Perhaps when I read about the migration from one to the other in Akregator... That is why I also proposed migrating to WebEngine, but I am not an expert at all on this matter. Could you please share your thoughts on this?
Comment 3 Christoph Feck 2016-09-17 03:19:38 UTC
Regarding QtWebKit, please see http://qtwebkit.blogspot.de/2016/08/qtwebkit-im-back.html
Comment 4 avlas 2016-09-17 06:36:49 UTC
Comment 5 avlas 2016-12-19 15:29:47 UTC
Konqueror has been ported (which is great!), and webengine is being used instead of webkit. Based on comments above, at first it seemed that the developers were more inclined to webkit, so I guess they somehow changed their mind.

The Sidebar is still missing, and I could identify a couple of bugs (shown toolbars and window size come back to default at startup, not respecting user modifications). I filled new bugs for those, as well as two feature requests: to restore previously open tabs at startup, and allowing users to define the browser identification, so those don't get outdated.

In any case, I think this bug can now be set as Resolved: Fixed.

Thanks to the developers for the good work! Very much appreciated!