As seen on CI with KF5 pre-5.26 (but not locally with older KF5 5.24), e.g. in,compiler=gcc/395/consoleFull: --- 8< --- 19:44:47 CMake Warning at /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/kpackage/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/KF5Package/KF5PackageMacros.cmake:45 (message): 19:44:47 couldn't generate metainfo for org.kde.image: Package type 19:44:47 "Plasma/Wallpaper" not found 19:44:47 19:44:47 Error: Can't find plugin metadata: 19:44:47 /home/jenkins/sources/plasma-workspace/kf5-qt5/wallpapers/image/imagepackage 19:44:47 19:44:47 19:44:47 Call Stack (most recent call first): 19:44:47 /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/KF5Plasma/KF5PlasmaMacros.cmake:33 (kpackage_install_package) 19:44:47 wallpapers/image/CMakeLists.txt:31 (plasma_install_package) --- 8< --- --- 8< --- 19:44:44 CMake Warning at /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/kpackage/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/KF5Package/KF5PackageMacros.cmake:45 (message): 19:44:44 couldn't generate metainfo for org.kde.breeze.desktop: Package type 19:44:44 "Plasma/LookAndFeel" not found 19:44:44 19:44:44 Error: Can't find plugin metadata: 19:44:44 /home/jenkins/sources/plasma-workspace/kf5-qt5/lookandfeel 19:44:44 19:44:44 Call Stack (most recent call first): 19:44:44 /srv/jenkins/install/ubuntu/x86_64/g++/kf5-qt5/frameworks/plasma-framework/inst/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/KF5Plasma/KF5PlasmaMacros.cmake:33 (kpackage_install_package) 19:44:44 CMakeLists.txt:117 (plasma_install_package) --- 8< --- Not further investigated, only seen those warnings on CI. Reproducible: Always
*** Bug 368594 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Seeing this on fedora's minimal build environment too (local buids are fine?), when trying to build breeze and plasma-sdk components. See also bug #368594
Suspecting a missing runtime component of kpackagetool5, I found that plasma-workspace contains (in plugins/kpackage/packagestructure): and those being present or not seems to be the difference between kpackagetool5 working to parse those package types.
This results in a build cycle in the openSUSE packages as plasma-workspace requires kwin during build, which requires breeze, which in turn requires plasma-workspace during build to generate the metainfo. A workaround is to break the breeze/kwin runtime dependency and build plasma-workspace without breeze installed, but that should not be necessary.
Oh, and plasma-workspace itself needs plasma-workspace installed during build, due to: [ 91s] CMake Warning at /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5Package/KF5PackageMacros.cmake:58 (message): [ 91s] warnings during generation of metainfo for org.kde.breeze.desktop: Package [ 91s] type "Plasma/LookAndFeel" not found [ 91s] [ 91s] Call Stack (most recent call first): [ 91s] /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5Plasma/KF5PlasmaMacros.cmake:33 (kpackage_install_package) [ 91s] CMakeLists.txt:115 (plasma_install_package)
This bug seems to be a non-issue, 1) original error in comment #0 was fixed in 2) Last bug in comment #5 is not a error but warning only. Is there anything else we can do here? If so please re-open bug.
(In reply to Bhushan Shah from comment #6) > This bug seems to be a non-issue, How? I had to make a workaround in kpackage to always emit appdata, even if it's broken as the plugin was not installed so that we could build plasma: If it does not matter that the package type is not known during cmake runtime, it needs to be fixed differently. As far as I can tell moving the package type to plasma-framework is the best option here. It might also be possible to defer the kpackagetool5 invocation to cmake buildtime with proper deps instead of configure time.
Is this still an issue today?
I just checked build logs for breeze and plasma-workspace and couldn't find any instance of this error.