Bug 366635 - kaccounts-mobile from workspace depends on applications & kdepim modules
Summary: kaccounts-mobile from workspace depends on applications & kdepim modules
Alias: None
Product: KAccounts
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: git-latest
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Telepathy Bugs
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Reported: 2016-08-11 12:34 UTC by Oliver Henshaw
Modified: 2020-02-25 22:00 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Oliver Henshaw 2016-08-11 12:34:26 UTC
If I build only frameworks and workspace modules I need to exclude kaccounts-mobile as it has dependencies that belong to the kde-pim and applications modules

$ ./kdesrc-build kaccounts-mobile --pretend --include-dependencies --rc-file ../kdesrc-build-config/kdesrc-build-workspace | grep Cloning
        Cloning kaccounts-integration
        Cloning kcontacts
        Cloning khelpcenter
        Cloning kio-extras
        Cloning kcalcore
        Cloning libkgapi

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Michael Pyne 2016-08-12 21:11:57 UTC
You might also look into the --print-modules option if you just want to know which modules will be built, and why kdesrc-build is including them in the build set.

Either way if there's a bug here, it's properly in kaccounts-mobile (in that it should be meeting all dependency requirements if it is to be in KDE Workspace). As long as its KDE dependencies are accurately listed (even if they break some policies) then there is no bug as far as project metadata is concerned.

For what it's worth I've also added kaccounts-mobile to my "ignore-modules" line for kde/workspace and I could add it as an example in the sample configuration file if there's interest.