My kdenlive is set to automatically split out audio. When applying the speed effect, the speed effect is not applied to the audio clip Actually, since the speed effect now supports audio, it should be able to be applied to a purely audio clip. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Set kdenlive to automatically split audio from video clips 2.Place clip on timeline 3.Apply and adjust speed effect Actual Results: Speed effect is not applied to split out audio. Expected Results: Speed effect to be applied to both the video and audio part of the clip This is yet another instance of the speed effect being problematic. If the speed effect was applied in an .mlt file, then the audio would have been split out automatically and adjusted for already.
Still and issue as of 2016-09-07. Speed effect is not applied to the audio part of an automatically split clip. Moreover, the video part of the clip still has audio, even through the audio has been split out. No audio effects can be applied to the video when the audio clip is present and part of the group. Have you give any thought to my suggestion of making the speed effect a .mlt file and getting rid of this entire class of errors?
This works properly when the clip is sped up or slowed down from the clip jobs menu.