offer wallpapers for free. At the API is explained. Have the wallpapers added to KDE, it seems to be nice library. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Feature request
This is not something we really want to do. If anyone wants to submit a wallpaper, and it's good quality and the person will maintain it, that'd be fine. Adding a whole slew of wallpapers to Plasma from a 3rd party site isn't. That would really only open us up to shipping every single photo in the world, because somebody likes it. I think it's easy enough to add your own wallpapers, they can be done by a 3rd party.
I believe the purpose of this report was to write a Wallpaper plugin that would fetch those images through the linked API, slideshow style even.
Indeed Martin. My idea is not to include each and every wallpaper, but to offer the source via ( wallpaper ) plugin(s). Either by making it easily available to the user, or as a dynamic wallpaper. -- Richard ps: if the above correction make sense, change the status to inprogress.
Ah. Why in progress though? Who is working on it?